of Entrepreneurial Management 2022-12-23T08:07:12+00:00Astri Yuza Journal Systems<p class="selectable-text copyable-text iq0m558w" style="text-align: justify;"><span class="_11JPr selectable-text copyable-text" dir="ltr" style="white-space: normal;">Journal of Entrepreneurial Management is an online peer review and open access journal that published twice a year which belongs and relies on the Departement of Management, Universitas Negeri Padang, Indonesia. The Journal of Entrepreneurial Management is devoted to research in entrepreneurship and management of Entrepreneurial organizations. It aims to develop dialogues and critical reflections on the state of the art concerning innovative practices through management tools dedicated to entrepreneurship. </span></p> <p class="selectable-text copyable-text iq0m558w" style="text-align: justify;"><span class="_11JPr selectable-text copyable-text" dir="ltr" style="white-space: normal;">The Journal of Entrepreneurial Management is dedicated to scholars, teachers, students in management sciences and business but also to a broader audience like managers, entrepreneurs, public administrations, anyone interested by the evolution of the knowledge in entrepreneurship management. Articles published in the Journal of Entrepreneurial Management need to fit with the expectation of scientific rigor concerning the theoretical background and the methodology. Results need to be realistic and embedded in the nowadays world’s topic. Transdisciplinary topics and multi-context research setting concerning the entrepreneurial management phenomenon and innovation in small and medium size firms, are naturally welcome, related to human and social sciences. </span></p> <p class="selectable-text copyable-text iq0m558w" style="text-align: justify;"><span class="_11JPr selectable-text copyable-text" dir="ltr" style="white-space: normal;">The Journal of Entrepreneurial Management accepts research and review articles. The methodology used by authors can be qualitative and quantitative, it is what makes management science original and relevant. Papers need to make contributions to the current literature on entrepreneurship management. The Journal of Entrepreneurial Management normally accepts only English languages submission. In this perspective of international openness, contributions from foreign researchers as well as comparative studies can find their place there.</span></p> <div style="background: #f7f7f7; border-bottom: none; border-left: 6px solid #74bfdd; border-right: none; border-top: none; box-shadow: 0 5px 8px -6px rgba(0,0,0,.5); color: #333; padding: 0.875rem 1.5rem 0.875rem 0.875rem !important;"><span style="color: #008000;"><span style="color: #000000;"> All processes of article publication are</span> </span><strong><span style="color: #008000;"><span style="color: #ff6600;">Free of charge</span>.</span></strong></div> <p style="text-align: justify;"> </p> <p style="text-align: justify;">We strongly prefer to receive manuscripts via our online submission system. With using our system, authors can upload manuscript files (text, figures, and supplementary information) directly to our office and check on the status of Reviews their manuscripts during the review process.<br /><br /></p> <div style="background: #f7f7f7; border-bottom: none; border-left: 6px solid #de2d0f; border-right: none; border-top: none; box-shadow: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5) 0px 5px 8px -6px; color: #333333; padding: 0.875rem 1.5rem 0.875rem 0.875rem !important;">Registration and login are required to submit items online and to check the status of current submissions. <br />Click: <strong>Re</strong><strong>gister</strong> or <strong>Login </strong></div> <p style="text-align: justify;"><br />Publishing <span style="color: #008000;"><strong>Open Access (OA)</strong></span> in <strong><span style="color: #008000;">Journal of Entrepreneurial Management </span></strong>means researchers benefit from:</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">(1) Increased citation and usage, (2) Greater public engagement, (3) Increase the visibility and readership of your research, (4) Wider collaboration, (5) Increased interdisciplinary conversation, (6) You(r) retain copyright, licensed under Creative Commons, (7) Promotion and publicity of quality research, (8) Avoiding duplication, and; (9) Comply with funder mandates.</p> <p><strong>Connect with your Academic Account:</strong></p> <p><strong><a title="Orcid" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img src="" alt="" /></a><a title="Publons" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img src="" alt="" /></a><a title="Researcher ID" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img src="" alt="" /></a><a title="Impact Story" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img src="" alt="" /></a><br /><br />Dedicated to:<br /><br /><a title="PKP" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img src="" alt="" /></a></strong></p> mediating effect of marketing capability on firm performance in non-star hotels2022-12-08T08:06:10+00:00Dandy Muhammad<p>This study aims to determine the impact of market orientation and entrepreneurism on non-star hotels in Padang City's firm performance through marketing capability. The primary data used in this study came from questionnaires that were distributed online using Google Forms. People who work at the Non-Star Hotel are required to complete the questionnaire. 100 responders in total. The analysis tool uses SmartPLS 4.0 software and the PLS (Partial Least Square) technique, which is a Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) approach.</p> <p>The P-Score value of 0.021 obtained from the SmartPLS 4.0 analysis demonstrates that market orientation has a positive and significant impact on firm performance. The P-Value value of 0.002 indicates that entrepreneur orientation has a positive and substantial impact on firm performance, and the P-Value value of 0.000 indicates that market orientation has a positive and significant impact on marketing capability.</p>2022-12-23T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2022 Journal of Entrepreneurial Management innovation capabilities affect business performance as mediating variable?2022-12-08T07:59:27+00:00Alzena Sonia<p><em>This research aims to find out: 1) the influence of performance on market orientation, entrepreneurial orientation, innovation capabilities, 2) the influence of product innovation on market orientation, entrepreneurial orientation, innovation capabilities, 3) the influence of innovation capabilities on entrepreneurial orientation, 4) the influence of business performance through innovation capabilities as mediation variables towards market orientation, 5) the influence of business performance through innovation capabilities as a mediation variable to orientation Entrepreneurship. This..type..of research is quantitative research. The population and sample in this study were as many as 52 Coffee Shops in Padang City. The methods of data analysis in this study are descriptive analysis and inductive analysis. The results of this study are 1) there is a positive influence and a significant influence between market orientation and business performance, 2) there is no positive and insignificant influence between entrepreneurial orientation and business performance, 3) there is no positive and insignificant influence between variable innovation ability and business performance, 4) there is a positive influence and a significant influence between market orientation and innovation capabilities, 5) there is a positive influence and a significant influence of entrepreneurial orientation with innovation capabilities, 6) there is a negative and insignificant influence of market orientation on business performance through innovation capabilities, 7) there are negative and insignificant influences of entrepreneurial orientation on business performance through innovation capabilities.</em></p>2022-12-23T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2022 Journal of Entrepreneurial Management adoption: intention of using QRIS on Z generation in the COVID-19 2022-12-08T08:09:21+00:00Hadid<p><em>The primary goal of this study (1) The impact of Performance Expectancy on Behavioral Intention. (2) The impact of Effort Expectancy towards Behavioral Intention. (3) Social Influence has an impact on Behavioral Intention. (4) How the Facilitating Condition affects Behavioral Intention. (5) How Behavioral Intention affects QRIS usage. Generation Z in Padang makes up the population of this study. There were 218 respondents in the study's samples. Online surveys were used to collect the study's data, which were then processed using SmartPLS software and structural equation modeling (SEM). According to the findings of this study, (1) PerformanceKExpectancyKhasKa favorable but non-KsignificantKinfluence onKBehavioral KIntention. (2) EffortKExpectancy influences Behavioral Intention in a good and significant way. (3) Social Influence influences behavioral intention positively. (4) The Facilitating Condition influences Behavioral Intention positively. (5) Behavioral Intention influences QRIS Usage in a good and substantial way.</em></p>2022-12-23T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2022 Journal of Entrepreneurial Management mediating effect of market orientation & technology orientation on SME's business performance2022-12-08T08:03:00+00:00Tegar Budi Setyawantegar@gmail.comPerengki<p><em>The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of entrepreneurial orientation, market orientation and technology orientation on the performance of small and medium enterprises in the culinary sector in the city of Padang. The population in this study were all small and medium business owners in the culinary sector in the city of Padang. The number of samples in this study obtained as many as 120 samples. The data analysis technique used PLS-based SEM. The results of this study indicate that entrepreneurial orientation, market orientation and technology orientation have a significant influence on business performance of SMEs in the city of Padang</em></p>2022-12-23T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2022 Journal of Entrepreneurial Management quality and e-WOM: the mediating effect of customer satisfaction and customer trust2022-12-08T08:12:34+00:00Dina Aulia Hendridina@gmail.comRini<p>The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between e-service quality, customer satisfaction, customer trust, and e-word of mouth. In this study, the authors also tested the impact of electronic service quality on word of mouth, mediators of customer satisfaction and customer trust. The author collects data through a questionnaire given to 200 customers in the city of Padang to investigate the hypothesized relationship between variables. The results show that e-service quality has a positive effect on customer trust, customer satisfaction has a positive effect on e-word of mouth, customer trust cannot influence e-word of mouth, customer trust cannot mediate the relationship between e-service quality and e-service quality, word of mouth, and e-service quality can be a mediator on the relationship between e-service quality and e-word of mouth</p>2022-12-23T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2022 Journal of Entrepreneurial Management